Webster Webster


Common Registration Errors




Academic standing prevents registration

Your academic eligibility status (e.g., probation) does not allow registration

Contact the Registrar's Office  Records@aum.edu 

Student Attribute Restriction

The course requested is restricted to specific students (e.g., Learning Comes First, Bridge)

Select another course section

Cohort Restriction

Enrollment in the course is restricted to a particular cohort of students

Select another course, or contact the department offering the course for additional information

Class Restriction

Enrollment in the course is restricted by classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.)

Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Closed Section #

The section is full

Select another course section

Corequisite # Required

You must register for a section of the corequisite course indicated

To register for corequisite courses you must add the CRNs for both classes to the Work Sheet before Submitting Change. Example of a corequisite course is a lecture and lab combination

Degree Restriction

You are not in the degree/major required for this course

Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Department Restriction

Course is restricted to students with majors within a specific department

Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Duplicate Course with Section #

Registration in multiple sections of the same course is not allowed through self-service.

Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Field of Study Restriction

You are not in the major or concentration required for this course

Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

You may not add or drop classes due to holds on your record

A hold has been placed on your registration. You may have multiple holds on your record; please check your registration status for all holds

Contact the appropriate office(s) to clear your hold(s)

Level Restriction

* Undergraduate students may not register for graduate-level courses without special permission 

* Graduate students may not register for undergraduate-level courses without approval

* Undergraduates- select an undergraduate course.  
* Graduates- select a graduate level course
* If you selected the appropriate level- contact your advisor or the Registrars Office to check your program in the system.  Written approval is needed for out-of-level registration.

Maximum Hours Exceeded

Adding the requested class would exceed the maximum credits allowed for the semester

Increases over 18  must be requested by advisor 

Prerequisite and Test Score error

You do not have the required prerequisites for this course

Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Program Restriction

Only students in certain programs are allowed to register for this course

Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override

Repeat Count Exceeds 0

You have attempted to register for a course that is not repeatable or one for which you already have credit

Select another course

Your Student Status Prohibits Registration

Your student record is not active for the term in which you are attempting to register

Fill out a Returning Student Application at www.aum.edu

Time Conflict with CRN #

Courses meet at the same time or have overlapping times

Select another CRN


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Staging Enabled