Error | Description | Solution |
Academic standing prevents registration | Your academic eligibility status (e.g., probation) does not allow registration | Contact the Registrar's Office |
Student Attribute Restriction | The course requested is restricted to specific students (e.g., Learning Comes First, Bridge) | Select another course section |
Cohort Restriction | Enrollment in the course is restricted to a particular cohort of students | Select another course, or contact the department offering the course for additional information |
Class Restriction | Enrollment in the course is restricted by classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) | Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Closed Section # | The section is full | Select another course section |
Corequisite # Required | You must register for a section of the corequisite course indicated | To register for corequisite courses you must add the CRNs for both classes to the Work Sheet before Submitting Change. Example of a corequisite course is a lecture and lab combination |
Degree Restriction | You are not in the degree/major required for this course | Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Department Restriction | Course is restricted to students with majors within a specific department | Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Duplicate Course with Section # | Registration in multiple sections of the same course is not allowed through self-service. | Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Field of Study Restriction | You are not in the major or concentration required for this course | Select another course, or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
You may not add or drop classes due to holds on your record | A hold has been placed on your registration. You may have multiple holds on your record; please check your registration status for all holds | Contact the appropriate office(s) to clear your hold(s) |
Level Restriction | * Undergraduate students may not register for graduate-level courses without special permission * Graduate students may not register for undergraduate-level courses without approval | * Undergraduates- select an undergraduate course. |
Maximum Hours Exceeded | Adding the requested class would exceed the maximum credits allowed for the semester | Increases over 18 must be requested by advisor |
Prerequisite and Test Score error | You do not have the required prerequisites for this course | Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Program Restriction | Only students in certain programs are allowed to register for this course | Select another course or petition the department offering the course for a registration override |
Repeat Count Exceeds 0 | You have attempted to register for a course that is not repeatable or one for which you already have credit | Select another course |
Your Student Status Prohibits Registration | Your student record is not active for the term in which you are attempting to register | Fill out a Returning Student Application at |
Time Conflict with CRN # | Courses meet at the same time or have overlapping times | Select another CRN |
Average (0 Votes) |