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General Blackboard Qs

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General Blackboard Qs

When do I get access to Blackboard? Why am I unable to see my classes in Blackboard?

  • Blackboard access is provided when you register for class. You can access your Blackboard class on the official first day of class.
  • You can login to Blackboard by logging in to My AUM portal login page ( and clicking on the Blackboard icon located on the left side of the portal home page.

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is a Web-based course-management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching. Blackboard enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, online quizzes, and more. The degree to which Blackboard is used in a course varies. For example, instructor may supplement an on-campus class by putting their syllabus and handouts on their course site. In contrast, other courses may be conducted entirely through Blackboard, without any on-campus sessions.

Blackboard is tied to Active Directory, so when a student registers for a class, the student's name will appear in the instructor's Blackboard course. Each term, every course that is put in Banner will also have a Blackboard course site.

What is the URL for Blackboard?

The URL address is:

How do I login to Blackboard?

When and how do I access my courses in Blackboard?

You will have access to your online courses on the first day of class and courses are located in Blackboard. You must login to Blackboard to access your courses. A Blackboard link is accessible after logging into your My AUM account. It is located on the main dashboard on the left-hand side.

My password does not work or I forgot my password, what do I do?

Call the ITS Help Desk at AUM at 334-244-3500 to have your password reset. Location: Library Tower - 2nd floor Email: Hours: * Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. CT *Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT *Saturday: 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT *Sunday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT *Hours during semester breaks: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

I'm a student. Can I change my name in Blackboard?

You cannot change your name through Blackboard. If your name and/or your student information have changed, contact the Registrars Office at 334-244-3125.

Can I change my email address in Blackboard?

Blackboard only uses the official address. Routing messages to other email accounts is not permitted. Be sure to check your account regularly.

In Blackboard, how do I access course sites from previous semesters?

Once course sites from past semesters have been made unavailable, you will need to contact the instructor of the course in question to regain access.

When I am in my Blackboard course some links do not work or I cannot see some content.

This may mean your browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari) or internet options need updating. Blackboard recommends using the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser.
  • Make sure you have the current version of the browser.
  • Verify the browser has enabled Cookies and make sure the Pop-up Blocker is off.

I am having problems seeing and accessing content in Blackboard? What do I do?

This problem could be Java related. First, check if the latest version of Java is installed. Visit the Java website to download the latest version: Java

Second, if you have the latest version of Java, clear your Java cache. Clearing the Java Plug-in cache forces the browser to load the latest versions of web pages and programs.

To clear your Java cache in Windows:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel.
  2. Locate and double click the Java icon in the Control Panel.
  3. Click Settings under Temporary Internet Files.
  4. Click Delete Files.
  5. Select all boxes and click OK on Delete Temporary Files window. (Note: This deletes all the Downloaded Applications and Applets from the cache.)
  6. Click OK on Temporary Files Settings window.
  7. Click OK to close the Java Control Panel.

To clear your Java cache in Mac OS X:

  1. Double click your Macintosh hard drive.
  2. Double click Applications.
  3. Double click Utilities.
  4. Double click Java Preferences.
  5. Click the Network tab.
  6. Click the Delete Files... button.
  7. You are prompted to delete your temporary files for Java. Make sure all boxes are selected with check marks. Click OK.
  8. Close the Java Preferences window.

I am in Backboard but it will not let me add a discussion thread or submit an assignment. What do I do?

First, make sure you have the most current version of Java. Go to the Java site to verify the version on your computer and download an update if needed. If the issue still exists, clear cache for your browser.
  • For Firefox, go to Tools, select Clear Recent History…. Next to Time range to clear, select Everything and check all the boxes under Details. Click Clear Now.
  • For Internet Explorer, go to Tools, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes except the InPrivate Filtering data. Click Delete.
  • For Safari, Click on Tools and select Reset Safari, select Empty the cache and Remove all cookies. Click Reset.

Why does Blackboard say Session not available?

This message means either Blackboard is down or you do not have access the course. To verify if Blackboard is down, call the Help Desk at 334-244-3500. If Blackboard is working, verify that you are enrolled in the course by contacting your professor, the school's administrative assistant, or the Registrar's office at 334-244-3125.

Why am I not receiving emails sent from Blackboard?

We use the official addresses for all students and staff for all communication within or related to Blackboard. Make sure that you check your AUM email account regularly.

I am not able to attach a file to an assignment and My Computer shows an X.

This happens when the Java is not able to run. Close the browser window and open it again. A Java Security dialog box should appear. Select Always Run or Run. Do not select Cancel or close the dialog box.

I keep getting an error message when I try to upload a file to my Blackboard course. How do I fix this?

Blackboard does not allow file names with spaces and special characters. When naming any file for Blackboard upload, follow these guidelines. Use the following in your filenames:
  • Letters (A B C a b c...)
  • Numbers (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
  • Underscores ( _ )
  • Document File Extension (Always include the document file extension, such as .doc or .pdf)

Avoid the following:

  • Special characters ( ! @ # $ % ^ & * etc. )
  • Spaces (While technically supported, it is best to avoid spaces)
  • Long File Names (Limit file name character length to 60 characters or less)
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