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Wimba and Collaboration

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How do I participate in Wimba?

What you need...
  • Cable or DSL connection is preferred. A dial-up internet connection is not recommended.
  • A headset with microphone or at minimum, speakers.
  • Some instructors will recommend a Webcam for Wimba sessions, this is optional

Firefox is the recommended browser for Wimba.
You can download Firefox for free at Mozilla Firefox

How do I participate in Wimba?

  1. Before you sign on to Wimba, turn off/disable the popup blockers.
    • For Internet Explorer, select Tools from the Menu Bar, select Pop-up Blocker, and select Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
    • For Firefox, select Tools from the Menu Bar and select Options.... Select Content from the icon menu bar and uncheck the box next to Block pop-up windows.
  2. Go to your course in Blackboard.
  3. Select Wimba Classroom from the course menu or select the Wimba Classroom link.
  4. If this is your first time using Wimba, click Run Wizard and follow the instructions provided by the SetUp Wizard. Click Finished! when done.
  5. Select the Enter Room button.
  6. You are now in the room and you should hear a series of clicks and a tone to let you know your speakers are working.

Once you are in the room:

  • You should be able to hear the presenter speak.
  • You may be asked to press the check mark as a yes, or the X as a no. You might be asked to raise your hand or display an emoticon. These buttons are located at the bottom middle of the window underneath the list of participant names.
  • If you are using a microphone, you will need to click and hold down the TALK button to be heard.

How do I find a Wimba archive?

  1. Go to your course in Blackboard.
  2. Click the Wimba Classroom link on the course menu.
  3. Under Online Wimba Sessions click Wimba Classroom.
  4. Select the Online Wimba Session you want to review.
  5. Click Enter Archive.
  6. When you reach the end of the archived session, close the session by clicking the Exit button or the X in the upper corner.

I'm having difficulty using the Wimba, what can I do?

The Wimba Classroom Tools suite is a third party software package that AUM licenses annually. As part of our contract, Wimba provides 24 hour, seven day a week training and technical support.
  • Email:
  • Web site:
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